Sometimes we need a new way of looking at scripture as we prepare to preach. Mind the Gap is a podcast that pays extra attention to what gets left out.

The Revised Common Lectionary occasionally skips verses from the middle of its readings. This can happen in the Hebrew Scripture reading, the Psalm, the epistle, or the gospel. The people who put together the lectionary surely had varied and justifiable reasons for these gaps, but we think they’re worth spending time with. They add context. They can challenge us.

Over time, we hope to look at other kinds of gaps that exist in the lectionary and in our preaching: stories that never show up in the RCL at all and voices that we frequently overlook in our sermon prep. It is our belief that “minding the gap” as a part of sermon preparation will strengthen “minding the gap” in the rest of our spiritual and professional lives. We are called to be attentive to those who are on the margins and left out.

We hope you will support this project financially. Regular costs of Mind the Gap include website and podcast hosting. Because we care about accessibility, it is our deep desire to be able to offer transcripts of our episodes—your contributions can help make this possible. Please visit the “Support” page to learn about different ways you can give money to Mind the Gap.